Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Fell asleep during lunch today

Well, staying up late last night may not have been such a good idea. I live close enough to work that I can come home and make lunch, eat it while watching a 30 minute tv show, and get back to work within an hour. Today I came home around 1:00 (Lunchtime is any time between 11 and 2) and had some leftovers and watched an episode of How It Works. Well, I fell asleep in my chair, and didnt wake up till 4:30. Luckily my job is somewhat flexible about hours, as I am on call 24/7 and carry a pager and cell phone. If anything had really gone wrong, they would have called or paged me.

Monday, July 16, 2007

In the Doghouse

Whoops, I really screwed up today. I thought my wife was going to babysit her nephews tonight, so I didn't leave work when I normally do. She called an hour before I normally get off and said something about going out to get something for dinner and bring it home. I obviously wasn't listening very well, because I thought she said she was going to get something for us to eat before she went to babysit. What she actually said was she didn't have to babysit tonight, it was tomorrow, and could you bring home something to eat. About an hour and a half after I was supposed to get home she calls me, and asked me if I was still at work. She then said get yourself something to eat before you come home, I don't need anything I will just eat some fruit we have in the fridge. Of course that threw me for a loop, because of what I thought earlier. I apologized to her on the phone, then finished up what I was working on and came home. She hugged me, but wasnt smiling. I turned on the TV in the living room, and she went into the bedroom to watch TV there. After a while I went and lay down with her in the bedroom and asked her if she was still mad at me. She said no, she wasnt mad at me at all. but she wouldnt talk to me otherwise. After a few minutes she went to the office to get on the computer, so I have to think she is still mad at me. Here I am, passing the time till she is sound asleep so I can go to bed too.. ::sigh::

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Encore Post

Hi, I'm Josh and this will be my online place to keep and share my thoughts, feelings, and things that happen in my life. I know the name is very non-creative, maybe I will come up with another one someday..

Oh, and in the style of slashdot....